Special Publications with contributions by GMC Members
Due to the extreme brutality, the strategic importance and the immense value of the industrial installations of the former KZ Gusen complex, the history of the former Gusen concentration camps is underrepresented or even neglected in many publications of World War II, Nazi Germany or the Holocaust almost worldwide.
Therefore we take pains for decades to make our research available to a broad research community and interested people in many different countries and to promote further research on the former KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN I, II & III complex.
GMC members have contributed to the following specific publications since 1989:
- St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen – Concentration Camp Mauthausen Reconsidered
- 400 Jahre Markt St. Georgen an der Gusen
- 300 Jahre erweitertes Marktrecht St. Georgen an der Gusen
- Bernard Aldebert - Gusen II - Leidensweg in 50 Stationen
- Uberleben durch Kunst – Zwangsarbeit im Konzentrationslager Gusen für das Messerschmittwerk Regensburg
- Denkt.Statt Johann Gruber – Neue Wege der Erinnerungskultur
- Dr. Johann Gruber - Annäherung und Anstoß
- Joseph Fisher, The Heavens were Walled In
- Getta la petra – Il lager di Gusen-Mauthausen
- Helfried Hinterleitner, Wenn wir den Krieg verlieren
- Karl Littner, Ein Leben am seidenen Faden - Von Auschwitz-Zasole bis Gusen II und mein Weg zurück in die Freiheit
- Karl Littner, Live Hanging on a Spider Web – From Auschwitz-Zasole to Gusen II
- Jerzy Osuchowski - GUSEN - Vorhof zur Hölle