Commemoration 2023


Commemoration 2022
Commemoration 2022 moderated by Julia Mayr and Bernhard Mühleder
The 2023 commemoration has the motto "political resistance" and will start on May 6, 2023 at 05:00 p.m.  CEST at the Gusen Memorial.
Address: Georgestrasse 6, Langenstein, Austria.
This commemoration will be accompanied by the following additional programs provided by the Mauthausen Memorial:
  • May 4-6, 2023: Guided tours in the former KL Gusen II "Bergkristall" tunnels in St. Georgen. 
  • May 6-7, 2023: Guided tours on the properties of former KL Gusen I acquired in 2022 by the Republic of Austria with former roll call square, former SS function buildings, and stone crusher.
ATTENTION: Prior registration is required for all of these additional programs at:
On May 4, 2023 a special commemoration with representatives of the Austrian government will start at 07:30 p.m. at the former roll call square of KL Gusen I. Afterwards the Mauthausen Memorial and Ars Electronica will project the names of ten thousands of victims at 09:00 p.m. of the former KL Gusen complex in the light installation "#eachnamematters" on the entrance of the former KL Gusen II underground "Bergkristall" Messerschmitt plant at St. Georgen.
ATTENTION: Participation requires prior registration at: 
